Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Valentines day special !
Sorry about the time lapse in posts but I've been busy with
Here's a few downloadable tunes from my Valentines day podcast (slugcast), enjoy.
part 1
part 2
part 3
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This is the place where I will be hosting/pimping/archiving my stuff for direct download soon.
Hang in there and thanks for stopping by.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Slug life
Usually I respond "What the fuck for ? Who is gonna give two shits ?" and shrug off the wack idea of becoming one of those pompous "I was there in 1983, man" P-rock writers. I mean there's quite a bit of self-serving bullshit being published in the "punk books" department lately.
Well, then over a few months my girlfriend persuaded me and I got off my lazy ass and got to reminiscing and scribbling down bits and pieces describing some of the more comical and absurd adventures and situations on the road with B.G.K., the Nitwitz, Loveslug and Sonny Vincent. In at least 12 different countries. With theoretically makes for a better read than "I was a mohawked dumbass in Buttfuck Montana in the 80's".
While at a distinctive disadvantage (writing in a language that is not my mothertongue), not to mention my drug addled brain (alcohol damages the brain) and putting the bar pretty high, I hope to eventually turning raw words and incoherent brainfarts into something I can be proud of.
"Will it be as cynical and bitter as your grumpy self, Sluggy ?" you may ask.
Aw, hell yes. Expect many well-deserved ass kickings delivered to the behinds of those in the music industry I've been unfortunate to have delt with !
What I write will be 100 % true. OK, maybe 95 %, with 5 % added for comical value.
But it will also be funny.
No Pullitzer Prize or Oprah's book pick of the month type stuff,

I realize that no matter WHAT I do, some people who shall remain unnamed here will criticize me for this narcissistic self-glorification, lack of continuity, no plot and aww my pussy hurts... but fuck them. I will expose the whole bunch of them for what they are. Katharsis, baby.
But my main objective is to provide an enjoyable read for anyone who is interested in "old school" punk rock/hardcore/rocknroll.
Things are still in embryonic stage so just wait.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Scott Morgan interview

The Hydromatics hardly need an introduction for patrons of the I-94 Bar. If you haven't tracked down their latest album "Powerglide" through some European mail order shop, you're not trying. Fronted by Scott Morgan, formerly of the Rationals and Sonic's Rendezvous Band as well as a solo performer in his own right, and crewed by Europeans Theo Brouwer (bass) and Tony Slug (guitar), their numbers included moonlighting Hellacopters frontman Nicke Royale on drums, before he gave up the stool to Michigan's Andy Frost. Imbued with the spirit of Sonic's Rendezvous band (whose songs pepper their set list) and an equal part of Detroit R 'n' B, they're one of rock and roll's best kept secrets. With two albums under their belt and a live release in the pipeline, our Italian correspondent ROBERTO CALABRO caught up with Scott in 2002. Here's the result.
What have you done between your first and your second album? on Scott | Scott on last FM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hydromatics rarities
- »Asteroid B612
- Dangerous
- Earthy
- You're So Great
- Tumblin' Down >
password : slugtrails
Nitwitz Videos
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Holy Sheep - Someday's Too Late CD (2003)

Having the weakest links in the line-up (bassplayer and drummer) lay down the basic tracks by themselves in a room the size of a shoebox wasn't my idea, I like it LIVE, and things became a ramshackle affair more than once, but oh well. Despite the somewhat limited vocabulary/command of the English language ("Spanglish") of guitar tandem Natalio and Jorge, I immediately recognized these young dudes charisma and knack for writing a killer hook. In addition I wanted to let their keyboard player, Irish ex-pat (and future Nitwitz driver!) Eugene McCarthy shine through on a few of the songs, which not everybody in the band agreed with. He is an amazing musician and really adds to the overall sound though.
So, anyone who'd like to familiarize themselves with Spanish rocknroll music would probably be well advised to check out this album by the Holy Sheep. Then move on to Torazinas, Senor No, N.C.C., etc ! Lots of cool stuff going on down there folks.
This thing came out both in LP and CD format.